
Sublime Text shortcuts for Mac

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Mac keyboard shortcuts for Sublime Text

General Editing Shortcuts

Insert Line After (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Insert Line Before (command) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move line Up (command) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move line Down (command) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Select Line(Repeat to select next lines) (command) + l Add to Pie Menu
Select All Occurencs of Current Section (command) +  (control) + g Add to Pie Menu
Select Word(Repeat select other Occurences (command) + d Add to Pie Menu
Selection Up (command) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Selection Down (command) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Cut Line (command) + x Add to Pie Menu
Delete Line (command) +  (shift) + k Add to Pie Menu
Delete from cursor to End of Line (command) + k  + k Add to Pie Menu
Delete from cursor to start of Line (command) + k  +  Add to Pie Menu
Indent Current Lines (command) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Unindent Current Lines (command) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Paste and Indent Correctly (command) +  (shift) + v Add to Pie Menu
Paste Line (command) + v Add to Pie Menu
Wrap Selection in HTML Tag (option) +  (shift) + w Add to Pie Menu
Close Current HTML Tag (option) + . Add to Pie Menu
Undo (command) + u Add to Pie Menu
Select Next AutoComplete Suggestion (command) + spacebar Add to Pie Menu
Redo (command) + y Add to Pie Menu
Duplicate Lines (command) +  (shift) + d Add to Pie Menu
Join Line below to end of current line (command) + j Add to Pie Menu
Comment/Uncomment Current Line (command)Add to Pie Menu
Block Comment Current Selection (command) +  (shift)Add to Pie Menu
Convert to Uppercase (command) + k  + u Add to Pie Menu
Convert to Lowercase (command) + k  + l Add to Pie Menu
Select all occurrences of current selection (control) +  (command) + g Add to Pie Menu
Extra cursor on the line above (control) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Extra cursor on the line below (control) +  (shift) +  Add to Pie Menu
Jump to closing parentheses Repeat to jump to opening parentheses (control) + m Add to Pie Menu
Select all contents of the current parentheses (control) +  (shift) + m Add to Pie Menu
Move to beginning of line (control) + a Add to Pie Menu
Move to beginning of text on line (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Move to end of line (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Command Palette (command) +  (shift) + p Add to Pie Menu
Python Console (control) + ' Add to Pie Menu
Switch FullScreen Mode (command) +  (control) + f Add to Pie Menu
Switch DistractionFree Mode (command) +  (control) +  (shift) + f Add to Pie Menu
Switch Side bar (command) + k  + b Add to Pie Menu

Column Selection Shortcuts

Column Selection Up (command) +  (option) +  Add to Pie Menu
Column Selection Down (command) +  (option) +  Add to Pie Menu

Navigation Shortcuts

Go to line (control) + g Add to Pie Menu
Go to Word (control) + ; Add to Pie Menu
Go to Symbol (command) + r Add to Pie Menu
Immediately Open Files by Name (command) + t Add to Pie Menu

Find and Replace Shortcuts

Find (command) + f Add to Pie Menu
Replace (command) +  (option) + f Add to Pie Menu
Find in Files (command) +  (shift) + f Add to Pie Menu

Navigation through Tabs

Cycle Up through Tabs (command) + pgup Add to Pie Menu
Cycle Down through Tabs (command) + pgdn Add to Pie Menu
Find in Files (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Close Current Tab (command) + w Add to Pie Menu
Switch to Tab Number (option) + 1..9 Add to Pie Menu

Split Windows Shortcuts

Revert view to single column (option) +  (command) + 1 Add to Pie Menu
Split view into two columns (option) +  (command) + 2 Add to Pie Menu
Split view into three columns (option) +  (command) + 3 Add to Pie Menu
Split view into four columns (option) +  (command) + 4 Add to Pie Menu
Set view to Grid (option) +  (command) + 5 Add to Pie Menu
Split view into two rows (option) +  (command) + 8 Add to Pie Menu
Jump to group where num is 1..4 (control) + 1..4 Add to Pie Menu
Move file to specified group where num is 1..4 (control) +  (shift) + 1..9 Add to Pie Menu

Bookmarks Shortcuts

Next Bookmarkf2 Add to Pie Menu
Previous Bookmark (shift) + f2 Add to Pie Menu
Switch Bookmark (command) + f2 Add to Pie Menu
Clear Bookmarks (command) +  (shift) + f2 Add to Pie Menu

Other Shortcuts

Toggle Side Bar (command) + k  + b Add to Pie Menu
Show Scope in status bar (shift) +  (control) + p Add to Pie Menu
Clip text Upwards/Downwards (command) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu

Scrolling Shortcuts

Scroll down one page (control) + v Add to Pie Menu
Center current line vertically in page (control) + l Add to Pie Menu
Scroll to end of file (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Scroll to start of file (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
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