
Everything you need to know about Pie Menu and billing.
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When I click the Pie Menu, nothing happens (or Pie Menu Settings open)

The Pie Menu is triggered when you hover over the icon and then release the keyboard shortcut without clicking your mouse. You don't need to click with your mouse. However, we are adding this feature in the next update.

Why do question marks appear when triggering the Pie Menu in some apps?

If the apps don't have pre-configured shortcuts, you will see question marks when you trigger the Pie Menu with that app active. If you trigger one of these shortcuts by hovering over it and releasing your Pie Menu keyboard shortcut, it will open the Pie Menu with that app active, allowing you to add your own shortcuts.

I can't add an app to Pie Menu

First: Check the location of the app. Pie Menu mainly works with apps that are placed in your Applications folder. If they are located elsewhere on your computer, Pie Menu may have difficulty accessing them.

Second: Try to add the app by making it active and triggering your Pie Menu keyboard shortcut. If it shows two question marks, you can trigger one of them by hovering over it and releasing your Pie Menu keyboard shortcut. This will open the Pie Menu with that app active, allowing you to add your own shortcuts. Here is a video example of how to do it.

If none of the above steps work, reach out and we'll troubleshoot together with you!