
Blender shortcuts for Mac

Blender is a free and open-source 3D creation suite that supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline, offering features for modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing, motion tracking, and game creation, making it a comprehensive solution for artists and designers. Download Blender

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for Blender


Select + Right Click
Pan + Middle Click
Zoom + Mouse Wheel
Add objectA Add to Pie Menu
DeleteX Add to Pie Menu
Search for functionSpace Add to Pie Menu
ToolbarT Add to Pie Menu
PropertiesN Add to Pie Menu
Save fileS Add to Pie Menu
RenderF12 Add to Pie Menu
Render animationF12 Add to Pie Menu
Stop renderESC Add to Pie Menu
Save renderF3 Add to Pie Menu
Show last renderF11 Add to Pie Menu
UndoZ Add to Pie Menu
RedoZ Add to Pie Menu


DuplicateD Add to Pie Menu
Move to layerM Add to Pie Menu
MirrorM Add to Pie Menu
HideH Add to Pie Menu
UnhideH Add to Pie Menu
Move to origin pointC Add to Pie Menu
Parent toP Add to Pie Menu
Clear parentP Add to Pie Menu
Track toT Add to Pie Menu
Clear trackT Add to Pie Menu
Reset 3D cursorC Add to Pie Menu
Turn widget on/offSpace Add to Pie Menu
Add to groupG Add to Pie Menu


MoveG Add to Pie Menu
RotateR Add to Pie Menu
ScaleS Add to Pie Menu
Precise movements Add to Pie Menu
Increment movementsCTRL Add to Pie Menu
Lock to axis + X  + Y  + Middle Click


Top viewNUMPAD7 Add to Pie Menu
Front viewNUMPAD1 Add to Pie Menu
Side viewNUMPAD3 Add to Pie Menu
Opposite viewNUMPAD1  + NUMPAD3  + NUMPAD7 Add to Pie Menu
Camera viewNUMPAD0 Add to Pie Menu
Zoom to objectNUMPAD. Add to Pie Menu
Fly modeF Add to Pie Menu


Select object + Right Click
Select multiple + Right Click
Select/deselect allA Add to Pie Menu
Select object behind + Right Click
Select linkedL Add to Pie Menu
Select all linkedL Add to Pie Menu
Box selectB Add to Pie Menu
Circle selectC Add to Pie Menu
Lasso tool + CLICK
Inverse selectionI Add to Pie Menu


Play/stop animationA Add to Pie Menu
Play animation in reverseA Add to Pie Menu
Next frame Add to Pie Menu
Previous frame Add to Pie Menu
Forward 10 frames Add to Pie Menu
Back 10 frames Add to Pie Menu
Jump to start point Add to Pie Menu
Jump to end point Add to Pie Menu
Scroll through frames + Mouse Wheel
Insert keyframeI Add to Pie Menu
Remove keyframeI Add to Pie Menu
Jump to next keyframePage Up Add to Pie Menu
Jump to previous keyframePage Down Add to Pie Menu


Add boneE Add to Pie Menu
Add bone (control) + Click
Rotate (control) + R Add to Pie Menu
Recalculate roll (control) + N Add to Pie Menu
Align bones (control) +  (option) + A Add to Pie Menu
Move to bone layersM Add to Pie Menu
View bone layers (shift) + M Add to Pie Menu
Set bone flag (shift) + W Add to Pie Menu
Switch bone direction (option) + F Add to Pie Menu
Scroll hierarchy] Add to Pie Menu
Scroll hierarchy[ Add to Pie Menu
Select hierarchy (shift) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Select hierarchy (shift) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Select connectedL Add to Pie Menu


Set start frameS Add to Pie Menu
Set end frameE Add to Pie Menu
Show all framesHome Add to Pie Menu
Add markerM Add to Pie Menu
Move marker + Right Click Drag
Toggle frame/secondsT Add to Pie Menu

Pose Mode

Apply pose (control) + A Add to Pie Menu
Clear pose rotation (option) + R Add to Pie Menu
Clear pose location (option) + L Add to Pie Menu
Clear pose scale (option) + S Add to Pie Menu
Copy pose (control) + C Add to Pie Menu
Paste pose (control) + V Add to Pie Menu
Add ik (shift) + I Add to Pie Menu
Remove ik (control) +  (option) + I Add to Pie Menu
Add to bone group (control) + G Add to Pie Menu
Relax pose (option) + E Add to Pie Menu

Video Sequence Editor

Switch to editorF8 Add to Pie Menu
Next stripPage Up Add to Pie Menu
Previous stripPage Down Add to Pie Menu
Split stripsK Add to Pie Menu
Lock stripL Add to Pie Menu
Unlock stripL Add to Pie Menu
Copy stripC Add to Pie Menu
Paste stripV Add to Pie Menu
Separate imagesY Add to Pie Menu
Snap strip to scrubberS Add to Pie Menu

Node Editor

Add node (shift) + A Add to Pie Menu
Cut links (control) + click
Hide/unhide nodeH Add to Pie Menu
Make group (control) + G Add to Pie Menu
Ungroup (option) + G Add to Pie Menu
Edit group Add to Pie Menu
Move background (option) + Middle Click
Zoom in backgroundV Add to Pie Menu
Zoom out background (option) + V Add to Pie Menu
PropertiesN Add to Pie Menu

Editing Curves

Close pathC Add to Pie Menu
Add handle + Click
SubdivideW Add to Pie Menu
TiltT Add to Pie Menu
Clear tiltT Add to Pie Menu
Change handle to bezierH Add to Pie Menu
Change handle to vectorV Add to Pie Menu
Revert to default handleH Add to Pie Menu


Make faceF Add to Pie Menu
SubdivideW Add to Pie Menu
ExtrudeE Add to Pie Menu
RipV Add to Pie Menu
SeparateP Add to Pie Menu
Create loopcut (control) + R Add to Pie Menu
Proportional editingO Add to Pie Menu
Select edge loop (option) + Right Click
Make seam/sharp (control) + E Add to Pie Menu
Merge vertices (option) + M Add to Pie Menu
Mirror (control) + M Add to Pie Menu
Shrink/fatten (option) + S Add to Pie Menu
KnifeK  + Click
Fill (option) + F Add to Pie Menu
Beauty fill (shift) +  (option) + F Add to Pie Menu
Add subdivision level (control) + 1-4 Add to Pie Menu


Change brush sizeF Add to Pie Menu
Change brush strength (shift) + F Add to Pie Menu
Rotate brush structure (control) + F Add to Pie Menu

Changing Modes

Edit/object mode Add to Pie Menu
Vertext paint modeV Add to Pie Menu
Weight paint mode (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Cycle workspace (control) + Arrow Left Add to Pie Menu
Cycle workspace (control) + Arrow Right Add to Pie Menu
Logic editor (shift) + F2 Add to Pie Menu
Node editor (shift) + F3 Add to Pie Menu
Console (shift) + F4 Add to Pie Menu
3D viewport (shift) + F5 Add to Pie Menu
F-curve editor (shift) + F6 Add to Pie Menu
Buttons (shift) + F7 Add to Pie Menu
Video sequence editor (shift) + F8 Add to Pie Menu
Outliner (shift) + F9 Add to Pie Menu
Uv/image editor (shift) + F10 Add to Pie Menu
Text editor (shift) + F11 Add to Pie Menu


Append file (shift) + F1 Add to Pie Menu
Fullscreen mode (option) + F11 Add to Pie Menu
Maximize subwindow (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Change active camera (control) + O Add to Pie Menu
Use render bufferJ Add to Pie Menu
Only render selectedW Add to Pie Menu
Only render portion (shift) + B Add to Pie Menu
Save over default scene (control) + U Add to Pie Menu
Make screencast (control) + F4 Add to Pie Menu

Fly Mode

Start fly modeF Add to Pie Menu
Accelerate + Mouse Wheel Up
Decelerate + Mouse Wheel Down
Pan + Middle Click
Fly forwardW Add to Pie Menu
Fly backwardsS Add to Pie Menu
Fly leftA Add to Pie Menu
Fly rightD Add to Pie Menu
Fly upR Add to Pie Menu
Fly downF Add to Pie Menu
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