
Adobe XD shortcuts for Mac

Adobe XD is a user experience design software that allows users to create wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity designs for websites and mobile applications. Download Adobe XD

Hover over the shortcut to add to Pie Menu:

Mac keyboard shortcuts for Adobe XD

General Shortcuts

Hide (command) + h Add to Pie Menu
Hide Others (command) +  (shift) + h Add to Pie Menu
Quit (command) + q Add to Pie Menu

Edit Menu

Undo (command) + z Add to Pie Menu
Redo (command) +  (shift) + z Add to Pie Menu
Cut (command) + x Add to Pie Menu
Copy (command) + c Add to Pie Menu
Paste (command) + v Add to Pie Menu
Duplicate (command) + d Add to Pie Menu
Delete Add to Pie Menu
Select All (command) + a Add to Pie Menu
Deselect All (command) +  (shift) + a Add to Pie Menu
Start Dictation...fn Add to Pie Menu


Open Path/Pen panelp Add to Pie Menu
Asymmetric Control Point (option)Add to Pie Menu
Snap Control Point Angle (shift)Add to Pie Menu
Snap Anchor Point Angle (shift)Add to Pie Menu


Group (command) + g Add to Pie Menu
Ungroup (command) +  (shift) + g Add to Pie Menu
Make Symbol (command) + k Add to Pie Menu
Lock (command) + l Add to Pie Menu
Hide (command) + ; Add to Pie Menu
Mask with Shape (command) +  (shift) + m Add to Pie Menu
Make Repeat Grid (command) + r Add to Pie Menu


Left (command) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Center(Horizontally) (command) +  (control) + c Add to Pie Menu
Right (command) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Top (command) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Middle(Vertically) (command) +  (control) + m Add to Pie Menu
Bottom (command) +  (control) +  Add to Pie Menu


Bring to Front (command) +  (shift) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Bring Forward (command) + ] Add to Pie Menu
Send Backward (command) + [ Add to Pie Menu
Send to Back (command) +  (shift) + [ Add to Pie Menu


Horizontal (command) +  (control) + h Add to Pie Menu
Vertical (command) +  (control) + v Add to Pie Menu


Add (command) +  (option) + u Add to Pie Menu
Subtract (command) +  (option) + s Add to Pie Menu
Intersect (command) +  (option) + i Add to Pie Menu
Exclude Overlap (command) +  (option) + x Add to Pie Menu
Convert to Path (command) + 8 Add to Pie Menu


Bold (command) + b Add to Pie Menu
Italic (command) + i Add to Pie Menu

Operations Menu

From Center (option)Add to Pie Menu
Constrain (shift)Add to Pie Menu
Edit Text Add to Pie Menu
Constrain Rotateshift (15°) Add to Pie Menu
Line Constrain Rotateshift (45°) Add to Pie Menu
Constrain From Center (option) +  (shift)Add to Pie Menu
Direct Select (command)Add to Pie Menu
Design mode (command) +  Add to Pie Menu
Prototype mode (command) +  Add to Pie Menu

Tools Menu

Selectv Add to Pie Menu
Rectangler Add to Pie Menu
Ellipsee Add to Pie Menu
Linel Add to Pie Menu
Penp Add to Pie Menu
Textt Add to Pie Menu
Artboarda Add to Pie Menu
Zoom Modez Add to Pie Menu
Zoom to Selection (command) + 3 Add to Pie Menu

View Menu

Zoom in/Zoom out (command)Add to Pie Menu
Zoom to Fit (command) + 0 Add to Pie Menu
100% (command) + 1 Add to Pie Menu
200% (command) + 2 Add to Pie Menu
Enter Full Screen (command) +  (control) + f Add to Pie Menu
Panspacebar Add to Pie Menu
Symbol Library (command) +  (shift) + y Add to Pie Menu
Layers (command) + y Add to Pie Menu
Switch Workspace (control) +  Add to Pie Menu
Show Artboard Grid (command) + ' Add to Pie Menu

Window Menu

Minimize (command) + m Add to Pie Menu
Preview (command) +  Add to Pie Menu

Operation Modifiers

Zoom in/Out (option) + mouse wheel Add to Pie Menu
Horizontal Plan (command) + mouse wheel Add to Pie Menu
Vertical Planmouse wheel Add to Pie Menu

Selection Command

Enable Measurements (option)Add to Pie Menu
Pie Menu for Adobe XD
Work faster with a customized radial menu for Adobe XD. Add whatever shortcut you want!
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Download Keyboard Cheat Sheet for Adobe XD for Mac

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Cheat sheet
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The convenience of shortcuts without the memorization!

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